miercuri, 23 octombrie 2019

when perch appears

The last few fishing sessions were targeting pike, but only perch decided to attack my lures. Had a good attack, few days ago, at a weeds  margin from a pretty  big fish, but, because it attacked when I was distracted I've didn't strikeand so it unhoked itself. The attack came at a spoon, crucian carp like, with few black and red stripes and spots made by me.


This perch was caught on 13th octombrr at 4:22 pm.

This one was caught on 15th octomber at 18:59 

Tfew photographs with the dam/reservoir :

This one was caught at 18:59 , the same one from the previous photograph:
This one was caught at 07:35 
At 08:37

Between some weeds had a short attack, it was a perch who tried to 'bite' the spoon that I was using while searching for pike.. as I've got tired of fast attacks.. put a crankbait and caught this perch:.
The 'biggest' catch of the day...:

 Some moron/s decided that they had enough of perch and let them dry in the sun. I'm not sure if the person did that intentionally, considering the perch to be a non-valorous fish species or because he used them as pike bait... and they've died soon:
Some spoons and wire traces that I've buyed for pike; one of them was given to me as a gift..

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