At ~3 Pm returned to the dam/reservoir with 2 rods, one for pike and one for perch. Tried different places, watched an angler catching small perch at the drop shot method and tried to 'break the ice' for perch at soft lures.
Had a small pike attaking the pike spoon, a big one for it's size as I apreaciate the pike to be no bigger than 20 cm.. it was pretty aggresive as it attacked the lure thrice.
At some point of time, I've decided to test a place where I knew that there could be nice perch and, in the end succeded in catching one - it the past I've wrote another post in which I've showed my first (?) perch caught at the drop shot method. I've started fishing with some pike spoons and seeing perch following the spoon I've changed to soft lures.
The fish attacked at 17:51 and the attack was pretty agresive. There was another perch who was following this one, but I was distracted by a fish that jumped in the middle of the dam. I think that there were other perch that attacked the lures, but I've coudn't distinguish between attacks and snags.
Reel: Abu Garcia
Fishing rod: Xexta Black Star 69 S
Wire trace: Jaxon (2.5 kg)
Soft lure: Relax Bass (It was a gift)
Fishing line: Balzer, 0.06.
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